Beng explaining the biosonar of the batbot

UBD hosted the International Workshop on Biodiversity and Bioinspiration from 9-13 Jan. The Faculty of Science (FOS), the Faculty of Integrated Technologies (FIT), the School of Digital Science (SDS) and the Institute for Biodiversity and Environmental Research (IBER) in collaboration with Virginia Tech (VT) co-organised the workshop. The participants visited the UBD-VT International Lab located

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Our NAO is back alive

The battery pack of the NAO robot has “intelligent” charging circuit that prevents the battery from charging when the battery’s voltage falls below a set value. This would deem the battery useless and call for replacement. Our NAO was idle for about two years when restriction on physical activities was in place due to the

Our NAO is back alive Read More »

Research assistant position for human activities discovery project

We are hiring a full-time research assistant (RA) for our human activities discovery project. The work should start in Jan 2023. . The RA will implement the software system we have developed for unsupervised human activity discovery on a Turtlebot 2 mobile robot. This will involve integrating the software system alongside the Navigation stack in

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Upgraded the Raspberry Pi 4 firmware of Niryo NED 6-DoF robotic arm

We are working on the Niryo NED 6-DoF robotic arm that the School of Digital Science has recently acquired. The RPi firmware that came with the NED is an older version and is not compatible with the latest version of Niryo Studio, 4.1.0. So, we upgraded the firmware to 4.1.0. Ref: Download:

Upgraded the Raspberry Pi 4 firmware of Niryo NED 6-DoF robotic arm Read More »