Research assistant position for human activities discovery project

We are hiring a full-time research assistant (RA) for our human activities discovery project. The work should start in Jan 2023.

The RA will implement the software system we have developed for unsupervised human activity discovery on a Turtlebot 2 mobile robot. This will involve integrating the software system alongside the Navigation stack in Robot Operating System (ROS). The anticipated outcome from your work is a mobile robot that will roam around the lab, discover and recognition human activities without supervision, i.e. without labelled data. We seek candidates who have excellent Python Programming skills and relevant background knowledge in mobile robotic navigation. Preference will be given to the candidates with research experience.

  1. Minimum Bachelor degree in Digital Science, Computer Science, Computer Engineering, Engineering or a relevant field
  2. Python Programming and have studied robotics particularly mobile robot
  3. Demonstrated excellent written communication skills
  4. Demonstration of research experience is preferred
  5. Able to work full-time in the lab during working hours

Interested candidates are to submit softcopies of the following documents to Dr Daphne Tech Ching Lai not later than 10th December 2022:

  1. Cover letter
  2. Detailed Curriculum Vitae (CV)
  3. Transcripts from your higher education
  4. Copy of National ID
  5. Copy of publications, project reports, and/or thesis

Post advertisement is here:
Project page:

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