
Visitors from Soartech

We received visitors from Soartech Systems today. Soartech is a Brunei company specialises in geospatial technology, aerial imagery, and LiDAR. They support professional and business needs with location data analytics and digital models. During the visit, our students showed their projects to the Soartech team, and the Soartech team shared with us about their projects. […]

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Bacha’s paper on hybrid margin-based ROI face detection has been published in Visual Computing

Bacha‘s paper on “Face detection and tracking using hybrid margin-based ROI techniques” has been published in Springer’s journal Visual Computing. Congratulations to Bacha! This study is to solve the problem of low accuracy and slow processing speed for real-time face detection and tracking systems. A margin-based region of interest approach with fixed and dynamic margin

Bacha’s paper on hybrid margin-based ROI face detection has been published in Visual Computing Read More »