
This website is maintained by me, Ong Wee Hong. I am an Assistant Professor in the School of Digital Science (SDS) in the Universiti Brunei Darussalam (UBD).

This website is a space for me to keep notes of my academia matters. I have interest in embedded systems, personal robots, artificial intelligence, ambient intelligence and remote accessibility of these technologies. That’s a rather broad interest and I am no expert in any one of them. I am learning them. My main research goal is to learn and hopefully develop technologies that can make artificial systems smarter or more intelligent with the purpose to support human everyday living. My research interests are based around development of intelligent systems for personal robots and ambient intelligence. In particular, I am exploring the application of artificial intelligent techniques and info-communication technologies in developing intelligent systems. The key areas of interest are ambient intelligence, cyber-physical systems and robotics. However, all technologies that will contribute or integrate to the intelligent systems are always interesting to me.

I have chosen to use ailab as the domain name. I believe AI will be the enabling technology in all fields of my interest.


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Ong Wee Hong
Assistant Professor
School of Digital Science
Universiti Brunei Darussalam
Jalan Tungku Link, BE1410, BRUNEI
Email: owh[at]ieee.org
Email: weehong.ong[at]ubd.edu.bn
Tel: +6732460922/3

Office: Room 2.43, School Digital Science, Academy of Brunei Studies (APB) Building, Universiti Brunei Darussalam

RoboLab: B2-14 & B2-15, Level 2, Block B, Integrated Science Building, Universiti Brunei Darussalam